I’m on a date.

This is normal.

The conversation turned to artificial intelligence and machine learning….and…now…it appears my date fell asleep.

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Russian beer..is actually OK.

Never seen this before.

I really need to learn Russian soon….the friendly amphibious attack is coming soon and I will be enslaved.

Maybe I will become a security guard or work in the potato fields.

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These are so fucking funny.

They are sold as crab leg meat but in reality it’s just sirimi (Pollock)..in a ball then deep-fried and coated…then some cool and smart people have a job where they insert a dead crab leg end (which is actually real) to the end of it….to make it?? look??? like a piece of crab meat is inside.

This world is fucked to fuck.

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KELLY AND LARK in Valencia.

I need to come visit soon and PARTY PARTY and do some Spanish shopping…….and PARTY PARTY. I really need a proper holiday!!!

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Fucking hell..

I had to get some sleep. I’m not the young raver I once was.

Really into these pickled fishes for breakfast.

The fried one was super tasty but I think I like the pickled stuff morer….and especially the 20Leva portions of octopus. It’s worth it for me considering an ugly and depressed cheeseburger around here costs 15.

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Evening octopus. It’s the latest culinary craze.

I feel so Mediterranean…..and lazy.

Mobday is a day off…..tomorrow is 100% relax day.

Well, except the fact I’ll be up at 5am drinking beer and dancing and watching the sunrise.

Live Love Laugh.

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Super cold evening here.

Probably sleeping by 2…..I had to wear a “blazer”..sheesh.

Days ahead look great, perhaps it’s time for a holiday…I deserve a little time off for once.

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We are down to 30 cents a can.

I also buy my main dude a 2L when I see him…..he always cheers me.

I think he’s the happiest person in Sunny Beach!!!

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Work dudes asked for a few beers.

But my deeply rooted Christian values said NO.

But the “fun” side of me said fuck yeah.

These guys are pure gold and all this new road shit is spectacular….they’re secretly chugging outside of their bosses view as I type this.

I didn’t take any further photos for obvious reasons.

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Fucked up hot out now…

Must be in the shade.

Ohh this scooter is a space station engineering masterpiece. It’s just crazy how crazy fancy and advanced this damn thing is.

If you’re buying a scooter….remember, 95% are absolute garbage.

Save up and buy something good. You cheap bastards.

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Amazon free shipping…

…is fucking AMAZON-ING..

get it..that’s a pun!!

everything is cheaper…AND it comes to my door….I hope even a little bit of my money goes into Jeff’s next yacht, he deserves it!!

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30 leva Vlas burger was a bit of a waste of 30 leva.

Is melting cheese on your burger an epic challenge? Is adding a bit of flavor an epic challenge?

Guess we will never know.

The place was super cool and the staff were amazing.

Ohh but also…I asked medium rare and got medium rare. So at least that’s gooooood.

Onion rings were gorgeous and super crunchy but tasted like….just fucking nothing. WILL it kill you to add a little flavor to your otherwise perfect batter.

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