I finally connived Kelly and Amalia to get FitBits……..

We are all just like all 65 year old fat ladies who buy trackers so they can feel better about themselves. FUCK YEAH…I actually, secretly, really like the platform and the tech. The sleep tracking is super amazing and eerily accurate. (ohh..they all got the Charge 4, in case you are wondering..cheapest and BEST!! – on sale for you at Amazon)
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Wow, look at Victoria right now.

This is Chinatown in BC’s capital, we lived just about 3 blocks away on Johnson St. in our fancy sub-penthouse (it really wasn’t, I just like saying that…but holy crap that place is probably worth 1.5mil today and it’s a tiny 1 bedroom..but it was fancy and new and super cool).

The little grocery shop on the right had the best pigeon (Amalia still remembers cutting the head off before grilling) and just to your right was the sketchiest take out place with the best ‘duck and rice’ dish in town. Fuck it was dirty there, in a great way, of course, ate there 1-2 times a week.

To the left and just about a block away was Hush nightclub where I spend %92 of my time dancing, doing drugs, DJing, being drunk and obnoxious and making out with very questionable females.

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I bought some snack.

Loved the packaging and since it only cost 50 cents, I ended up buying it. Translated, this is a breakfast snack.

Contents include delicious chocolate covered pretzels.

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It has been almost 23 years since the release of Windows 98.

It is hard to imagine that Windows 95 is 25 years old. Like yesterday I remember standing in line at Office Depot on Finlayson in Victoria for the after-midnight launch. It was incredibly exciting to wait in the parking lot with nerd-alikes, chit chatting then swiftly running home to install the OS on my laptop (I was living on Gorge road at the time).

Stayed up all night playing with everything. It really was revolutionary, dialup to BC1 (one of the 1st providers on the Island).

Just think, everyone was using Windows 3.1 before that day.

Also, Amalia’s brand new Casio for some flair.

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