OMG Birdie.
Some photos from last night’s visit to St.Vlas. Got to meet one of my YouTube fans.
..and of course he was SUPER cool. He’s from Germany and we talked about Sunny and computers (he runs this super fancy online business). He is planning on retiring here shortly. We are hanging out again this weekend.
HAPPY 40th Anniversary, DOS.
Today is a big party day. It’s the 40th anniversarry of MS DOS. Also, my holy grail of vintage Thinkpads arrived today. The X220 is the last of the “good” Thinkpads with the amazing keyboards, the thinklight and durability. It arrived super crumbly and dusty but I will, of course, take her apart down to the last screw and scrub her beautifully with a toothbrush and spray air. YAY.
I ate this double Whopper at 4am last night.
One last bit of new road. This is great. Super great. Should be done tomorrow.
Is it really that……hrm…this one is great.
On the bus to Vlas to meet with one of my YouTube followers from Germany.
Listen to this story.
Our Bulgarian friend just came back to Bulgaria and before leaving grabbed me a New York Times and shipped it to Sunny. How amazing is that?