Dad arrived from Cuba today.

1st time in Bulgaria. Overwhelming everything to say the least. A lot more to come. June will just be parties…that is all.

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So the bus ran out of gas and we had to coast to Nova Zagora to get more.

But the worst thing so far is the driver is really bad. Not only did we get stuck in Plovdiv down some random streets he hit a bump at high speed and everyone went flying. Really bad situation as there are a lot of old people here, you would not imagine…really..this was bad. I hit my head on the roof …my neck and back hurt…fucking sucks..fuck. Lots of people hurting on the bus, a weirdly bizarre and terrible situation…..

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I just fucking can’t catch a break today…

Missed the bus. Zero hotels….except this one which is still 40 Euros and probably has larvae.

Every plane was late, every connection screwed up, arrived an hour late…watched the bus leave….plus had to take a metro transfer (but that was fast). If I had an extra 15 minutes everything would have worked out ..

Train station is closed…yes, completely closed so no sleeper to Burgas.

Early am bus to Sunny already booked so I can’t leave till 11am…a day completely lost.

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