New IKEA tongs. They are such nice quality.

She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck
Guys like what, what, what
Baby move your tongs, tongs, tongs
She had flips like a cook, cook, cook
Guys like look, look, look
Baby move your tongs, tongs, tongs
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I love Mondays.

I’m happy these guys are still open.

I will make a MASSIVE fish sandwich for dinner with this….IT WILL BE AWESOME!!!

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Super rain today but only for about 10 minutes….rain is super dumb – it helps nobody.

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Work work work day..

But I’m missing a few connectors for the lights……huge fail, barely half done.

Rear tire is perfectly fine today.

This world makes zero sense.

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Instead of sushi..

I am back at the nice coffee shop…..what can I do????

Need to make the best of today while I monitor the tire…

I pumped it up….fingers crossed.

Hopefully there is a nice motorcycle shop across the street….so at least there is that.

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I made my super famous bun veggie soup.

In pot then airfryer…dang thing came out PERFECT.

And it’s actually 100% vegetarian…which means only one thing…..the animals who were going to dine on these veggies out in the wild….died from starvation.

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