Camping stove arrived today…

…from West Germany. No camping for a few days. Super nice and warm during the day but at 2AM….I would die…it still dips down to 7 or so.

Also found my camping shirt. Funny and lucky….it was just there.

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New pillow design plus a new fluffy bathroom rug for the cats to vomit onto. Life doesn’t get better than this…

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T-Market has completely lost its luster.

It’s dirty and homely. Dude’s shopping wagon is epic. Now I need a wagon.

Dill potatoes for 70 cents were fantastic….but also, lots of fat people at this store. Very strange and off-putting.

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Camping setup almost complete.

Stove should arrive tomorrow. Weather is perfect. Incredibly exciting to be here right now. I am now running into 2-3 of my YouTube fans a day. It’s cute..and hilarious….AND I LOVE THE ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!

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There are 100s of these fancy cars..

..everywhere..maybe 1000s now. Where the fuck do these guys get these crazy funds. These SUVs are crazy expensive. I see, easily, 10+ Teslas now roaming around Sunny.

AMAZING, of course….

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My day today.

Just had to get a fish on the way to LIDL. So fucking busy everywhere, even at McDonald’s.

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I live like this..

One say I will sit and relax for 10 minutes….maybe next year.

Gloomy day, lots of dumb little projects.

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