My Japanese shorts are awesome….

Renovations are reallllly coming along and are really growing on me. Everything is super fresh and clean and the mirrors really work well here making the whole entry feel 2x bigger than the corridor that it was.

Also…we won’t have any more fucking signs stuck with tape on the door whenever there is a new notice for something. They are making a cool little “information” panel fucking thing…so that’s great….


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Feels nice to have high quality food!!!

Also…..that’s Puma the cat…I named him that because I think if I were to give him a Puma shoe he would probably chew on it.

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I love Mondays.

Just met a local robotnik. Nicest dude ever. Having a few lagers under the sun.

I might start smoking this season, it’s the cool thing to do, it seems.

20 degrees almost. Lots of renovations at Gerber. Sunny Beach is abuzz…..summer is here.

Fucking parts for Segway are finally in Sofia. New engines and sensors. Going to shop shortly…..months of waiting…but the timing is on…scootering in cold is bad.

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I would love to live above a BK.

Imagine the thick, shiny, greasy veneer on everything inside your house. And the flame broiled smell to tenderly lullabye you to sleep every night. Sigh.

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Wish I had a fat dog.

Otherwise why not just use these stupid things as general trash bins?

23 degrees next week…I need a holiday.

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Temu now comes to the market. Which is ok.

This way I can grab it when I want and I don’t have to turn the ringer on my phone when the courier comes. Win win.

Also got a red pepper for my extra requisite rice I’m making later.

Still a little chilly…..I just need 3 more degrees.

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Thursday weekend here.

I am celebrating with 2 Astika cannettes and custom pizza…..

Testing my Mexican sauces – yes…they came from Mexico.

Ohhh…my pizza is vegan..very cheesy.

Also watching Reacher – Sto hates violence of any kind……unless she causes it….

I wore shots outside today, first time…..GOD IS GREAT!!

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It was a bit chilly but not really……to do the oil change today. I almost wish doing this took longer. I can do this in probably 4 minutes.

It’s way more fun when it’s really hot and I’m not super focusing on it…taking time, drinking beer, watching youtube + every neighbour stops by to say hi and have a bullshit….

But yeah..I am happy it’s all done…and bike went through 1/2 clean today…there was a lineup at my normal wash…so I had to use this stupid one….I only like my wash on the back highway at the new station….it’s very strong and misty.

Had a super quick Bistro (but I am starting to slowly move over to more delicate food at the cool boutique restaurants. I think more salmon and avocado and less pork-piles.

Ohh yeah yeah…today was also clock-face Windexing day….yeah, it’s a thing around here. Charge up the batteries and clean the clocks…..if you know what I mean!!!

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