People are having a party outside again.
I made a steak with my world famous garlic-tomato warm sauce, had a beer….and reading my book. This is what I do now.
Living like a senior citizen.

holiday everyday
People are having a party outside again.
I made a steak with my world famous garlic-tomato warm sauce, had a beer….and reading my book. This is what I do now.
Living like a senior citizen.
Almost done my book on oil tanker piracy and super behind the scenes life of a modern seaman working on a container ship.
**I really need to write more about my FUCKING AWESOME Burgas trip yesterday….it was sooo whirlwind and so fun. Urban hiking and talking with no less than 25 people…easily.
Everyone was so NICE and interesting…whatta aaaaahh fun day.
Must go back this weekend…hot wine calls.
…that I brought home from Burgas. It was soggy with ham-juice and mayonaisse. Ate it with Sto, she loved it.
Quite frankly this might have been the best Subway experience in years. It was that good. The guy with the massive ears made it for me at Burgas mall. He never balks at my extra extra extra requests. Love a bud!!