Full on summer here…I can’t believe it.

Today is paying maintenance and water day – my biggest bill, by far.

Yearly condo maintenance here in about the same as one would pay monthly in the modern world. Crazy.

Did I tell you everything is getting revamped? The pool area will be completely new, new seating, brand new tiles and outdoor shower..all new.

They are currently working on the hallway (looks a little 1950s but better than nothing…majority wins and majority here are Russians from the 1800s..what can I do?). New power gate to the parking lot is already bought and getting installed within weeks (with smartphone opening/closing..yay..welcome to 2001). Fixing roof and drainage problems plus a bunch of other shit.

They whole foyer will be COMPLETELY different….it won’t look like you’re walking into a fucking prison anymore. New company and new guy seem normal and nice….so far so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for reading.

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