STO is LOVING this weather.

So sunny here in the apt……she just lies around…as she should.

Essentially any area in the house here has either a blanket or a pillow or it’s some type of a lounging-space. This is normal.

I sometimes wonder if I have just about 100 blankets…or just over. I should spend a week and count them all.

Speaking of… dream of owning a MASSIVE and thick duck duvet may one day come true….we’re talking about something comically thick and massive…..but super lofty…..almost like air but warm enough to use in -50 weather. Seriously..this exists and I want it.

My 3 super plush down duvets are already a few years old and I’m bored of them….

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Fish soup for lunch. Nice and light AND AQUATIC.

White Rose has great soups, and this isn’t any different. It’s not creamy. Creamy = bad.

The book about a guy describing his life on a container ship and talking about the container ship/global logistics is awesome….and really quite deep…super good and fascinating.

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