Perfect bike weather. Another trip is in order.

Monday weekend tomorrow.

I should charge my phone.

Sierra book is a great, easy, interesting read. Computer history is great, especially when they’re discussing old game companies. These guys in the 1980s, just epic pioneers in every sense of the word.

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Pre war pricing.

I got a couple.

Really trying not to drink.

Trying to keep my shit together…..1-2 beers max.

I’m fat again, like a bacon lovin’ alligator.

Being fat is gay, which is bad..very bad.

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Burgas jaunt for something I’ve been dreaming about since..

….I was a small, chubby, boy growing up in Poland.

My very own camping ottoman.

I love buying furniture and CHECK THIS OUT…….SO FUCKING FUNNY.

Not only this fancy piece of relax-furniture was on sale, it was actually the 1st thing you see at the store…..AND THEY ONLY HAD ONE LEFT.

7 Euros…..wild!!

Less than half price..

Cannot get more lucky than this.

*I will start testing this evening.

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Kableshkovo Turkish lunch.

Once in a while you run across just fantastic food full of flavours and fun…and a sweet lady who serves it to you.

Can’t wait to go back….what a treat this was….just 10000 tastes..

Ohh yeah..but I also LOVE TURKISH food…probably my fave (after fancy Japanese food).

Fuck..I just like everything…

Except watermelon….fuck you, watermelon…

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Whoaaa, that green, what a monster machine.

Lamborghini needs to bring back normally aspirated manual V12 cars without the dumb electric crap.

I have nothing against electric. EV stuff is great for Costco and liquor store trips. dropping off your ugly fat kids at the “kid center”…. but if you actually want to drive a car……you need a proper car.

If I had friends and places to go, I would buy a Miata.

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