My drumsticks were awesome.

Dill-dip…so nice. I can’t wait to get back to making food at home…..maybe something better. Amazon coming this week with loads of fun food from all over the place.

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Chinese food area – Cat Of Today (COT®).

The Chinese take out food place owners are essentially the nicest people in the galaxy. Bulgarian dude + his super sweet Ukrainian wife. They are so normal and so nice, so refreshing. They are from Burgas and have been married for decade plus and…well…again, they are just SO FUCKING AWESOME + their food reminds me of Vancouver.

Thank you for reading.

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Super outside day.

Shopping and fine dining and more shopping.

Bought another wicker basket for Ugly. I think she loves the creeky sound of wicker. When I put her in a regular plastic box, she scowls.

So now she has 3…different sizes for different occasions.

More photos later.

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