I found a basket to hold remotes while in bed AND IT MATCHES BIRDIE PERFECTLY!!!

holiday everyday
I found a basket to hold remotes while in bed AND IT MATCHES BIRDIE PERFECTLY!!!
Scooter is in the hallway safe and warm…looks like I won’t be going anywhere for days…..maybe months.
Winter is back…
It’s about a KM or so up the highway near the “old” LIDL. I can make it here on the electrobot in about 3 seconds, if it’s not too windy.
For the Segway, I think it’s a good idea.
PS. I tried Sport mode today (not race or boost) and had it to almost 80kph…although not exactly sure about GPS numbers…..just briefly….ohh fucking fuck.
…this bomination with ease.
I got orange cake, like the sun.
Bulgarians make the tastiest sweets….I’m taking this to my grave…..this is a fact…100%…
…that should be out shortly….scooter day ahead..
Still gloomy….