It’s about 3 minutes to 5.

The funny thing is that clock is about 2-3 minutes late…it’s actually exactly 5PM and the food yelling starts. How do they know?

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IKEA comes through again!!!

Did you know I ordered a new REALLY FANCY PC? It’s coming in about 2 weeks, they are still making it.

Also, IKEA JUST released this little tiny-ass table that will be perfect for keeping my new computer and networking equipment nicely organized. GOD IS GREAT.

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I’m having a MIG-NIC….GET IT?

Get it? MIG-NIC!!!

Can’t believe how delicious Jane’s deli burger is, actual fucking BEEF. Half price of restaurants and way tastier. They added sweet onions and loads of pickles for Matthew…10/10.

**did you know that just by pure magic hamburgers at Bulgarian restaurants are now over 20 Leva (used to be 6). FUCKERS.

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