I bought myself a picnic..

From the deli at the grocery store in Vlas…the absolute cheapest food I could find..we’re talking fucking grilled liver, carrots, pickles and a piece of chicken..some veggies, 3 dolmades and a tiny ginger ale…all this shit…about $5 worth of food (think about it..add it up…yes..about $5) costs 30 Leva here today…

I ate this in one sitting…..I sat here for an hour…and it was just a regular lunch….as opposite of fancy as you can get..literally OPPOSITE.


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Many people don’t understand…

..that Bulgaria has been at war with the fucking russians for decades. A war doesn’t have to be russians raping women, tanks and shooting at each other.

russians only want bad for everyone….instead of making things better for themselves..they want the world be a poor, rotten toilet like russia has always been.

Did you know that more russians shit outside in outhouses THAN THE WHOLE POPULATION OF CANADA. Seriously, more than 30 million russians don’t own a fucking toilet in 2023. These are real stats/facts….look it up.

Additionally, putin is allowing around 500-600 young russian men to die EVERY SINGLE DAY for no reason at all, for a war that is impossible for them to win. I met a guy yesterday who said “I fucking love putin, he’s sending russians to their grave, the less of them, the safer the world”….oyyy.

What’s more concerning is the smart/educated/rich ones, 100,000s (perhaps more than a million) of thousands of them…the people the country needs the most..have moved to the modern world over the last few years….oyyy…

Next generation, the country will be nothing but a barren, lawless wasteland.



Russian politicians have repeatedly said that after Ukraine, the Baltic republics and Moldova follow. It is high time that the Bulgarian citizens open their eyes that there is an aggressor who wants to regain imperial influence,”

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