So the big male cat is actually fixed..

..and he’s Tiffany’s best friend, they are inseparable. They are both soooo nice, and so gross.

His name is Stanisław. He finally told me today, albeit reluctantly.

He also has only one working eye…..

I have a massive piece of chicken waiting for them for tomorrow AM.

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I made a nice “after beach” soup.

100% vegetarian with only onions, white beans, tomatoes and some really fancy spices – super nice. Bed before midnight tonight…..LONG DAY tomorrow.

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I am back on the wagon…

I had 2 beers and now and super sweet cider over the last 48 hours…..if this trend continues I’ll be chugging Polish vodka straight from the bottle at 4 this Saturday morning….

Booze sure puts me in a good mood…stupid ethanol…

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