I will OUT BORSCH ANYONE for one million dollars anytime, anywhere…..I should attend every global borsch competition and become a millionaire…..maybe a billionaire.

holiday everyday
I will OUT BORSCH ANYONE for one million dollars anytime, anywhere…..I should attend every global borsch competition and become a millionaire…..maybe a billionaire.
…it’s still clean and tidy and friendly…awesome.
Except expensive……but it’s expensive everywhere…
(bike has been parked for a few days now…it’s just too cold to ride, roads are cold, tires are cold and I am not confident enough for 5 degree jaunts….I don’t think I will ride for at least a couple of weeks…sigh).
..with Sto’s diet and I think she’s starting to understand why. Being fat is gross. She gets a tiny bit of diet meat-pack for breakfast..then 1/3 pack at night (also diet meat) + no constant access to crunchies (they are up above where she can’t jump to them)…
but…..she ALSO gets a few diet crunchies now and then throughout the day….3 or 4 at a time…..everyone is on the right track.
Her bluetooth Fitbit scale is coming on Friday and she will have her own profile on my phone app.
Thank you for reading.
Left over sushi rice and a chicken breast and chickpeas…. THAT’S IT ..it’s a perfect dish.
It is generally served in a street cart made of glass where all the different ingredients are layered. Just FUCKING amazing…OHHHMMMMMYGGGGG and it’s sooo dang buttery.