Everyone is using my new table as a bed. This is unacceptable and I’ll be putting up a sign shortly.

holiday everyday
Cruising back from Nesebar and Janet….thinking…that sky….that’s a winter sky.
Installed the winter liner into my fancy riding jacket….but It’s 4pm now and I have 3.5 hour WWII documentary ahead of me.
I am getting a brand new mosquito net thing again….for the winter so I can keep the door open in the winter and the cats won’t leap…the guy said he will make the latch super new and strong.
OHHHH and also….it will be green….yes..green. What a crazy world.
SSOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking easy to make……literally making good scrambled eggs is more difficult.
Filet of Fish can really hook you. Pun intended or not.
Additionally, I find this McDonald’s so incredibly relaxing. In the summer it’s super sunny on the patio and when it’s cold, they keep the inside super nice and cozy….and the staff here is sooooo fucking nice.
Next week starts the absolute end of America and its democracy for many generations to come. Yes, next week….
The right wing, piece of shit, violent, militant, christian party of trump is about to win some votes. I consider these people to be some of the most scary, vile and dangerous people on the planet.
Anything more vile and dangerous than a racist, dumb as potato, ‘middle america’ white christian?
It was a good run, USA, it really was.
Mark my words.
This is VERY favorite dish in the world. Especially the way they make it here at The Bistro. It’s 10000 flavours and they make it super hot and extra size. I’m still a growing boy, after all.
(super small protest yesterday in Sofia, they are angry that Bulgaria is helping russia…..while fucking russian cockroaches have been fucking Bulgaria over for decades).
And…they look exactly the way you would think they look. I bet talking with them would be about as interesting as chatting with a bag of feces.
I saw a guy with Z shirt and a swastika the other day. Frightening.
Decades later it still looks modern.
Where is the scent? Where is the romance?
Lots of new stuff….best IKEA in a long time…….LOTS OF NEW STUFF.