Day: November 18, 2022
This describes the trip….so far.

Late night snacks…. I actually have no idea what’s going on…

Everything just gets thrown on the ground.


So…again…this purse shop is the super secret entrance to our apartment.
The street we’re on turns into a bazzar. Be jealous.

More snacks 4 U.

Cold chicken feet toes on the left. Tripe on the right.

5 star restaurant EASILY deserves its 5 star rating. Best meal thus far.


This afternoon we’re eating at the top Pho restaurant in Hanoi.
It’s a bit more expensive (4$, instead of 3$) but we’re pooling our money together and keeping our fingers crossed…

It’s getting cold in Sunny Beach. Here, not so much.

Today’s Airbnb is a 2 storey palace near the French quarter. Be jealous.

Entrence to our next Airbnb. This is normal.
