Today I test my fancy Vietnam trip pants.

They are supposed to be cool when it’s hot….and hot when it’s cold…and abrasion proof. Pure super-science from the West (made in an Indian village I am sure…total production cost $2.30).

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IKEA table delivery confirmed. Few more days.

It will be my new project table. Might even set up my DJ controller.

Not sure how I’ll make room for this but it’s foldable and actually made from wood. It’s from the super fancy IKEA line. It’s all gonna look super fucking cool.

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OMG I made the most fun dessert.

Essentially 2 rotten bananas, some lime juice, honey and a teaspoon of butter.

I sprinkled some Tim Hortons cappuccino chemicals on top my sister brought me from Winnipeg. So tasty.

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Today is balcony scrubbing day.

After every rain and and storm I have to redo everything from scratch. Scrub the tiles and rinse everything. Sweep the cat.

I can’t believe it’s summer here still!!!

This evening is curry day. I am testing out my new cocoochoorie pot.

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I always had this sexy romantic dream.

If I had real money I would buy a retro Ferrari GT car and drive it briskly across Europe.

Especially through the Alps, staying at 400 Euro boutique hotels each night and wearing Speedos by the pool, smoking Pall Malls and drinking martinis….and flirting with the local eurobitches.

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Trip to Sozopol.

I want to make it to Turkish border tomorrow….hopefully..depends on weather…everything always depends on weather.

I cruised all around the coast today, especially south. Hollllyyyyy seaside villas batman. Looks like fucking California.

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