Day: July 31, 2022
The obligatory stop at H and M. This place was massive, even had a coffee shop. I purchased my obligatory t shirt.
When was the last time you saw a Corrado?
I love the new 911 design. Especially the back.

Yes we went to the gay beach. Kelly wanted to “show off”.

An absolute unicorn. Never seen one in real life. Aprillia’s brand new adventure bike, the Touareg.
Taxi to the beach. It’s insanely hot today.

We went to morning mass in and it was amazing.

We got loads of food today.
This baguette will be filled with pickled herring and onions and….sprouts….yes, sprouts.

My life is complete.

This is a super meat country. This is why Spaniards are gorgeous, happy, slim and healthy.

It’s sketchy Sunday boys and girls. Was last night the most fun EVER?…yes,yes it was…