Month: July 2022
The obligatory stop at H and M. This place was massive, even had a coffee shop. I purchased my obligatory t shirt.
When was the last time you saw a Corrado?
I love the new 911 design. Especially the back.

Yes we went to the gay beach. Kelly wanted to “show off”.

An absolute unicorn. Never seen one in real life. Aprillia’s brand new adventure bike, the Touareg.
Taxi to the beach. It’s insanely hot today.

We went to morning mass in and it was amazing.

We got loads of food today.
This baguette will be filled with pickled herring and onions and….sprouts….yes, sprouts.

My life is complete.

This is a super meat country. This is why Spaniards are gorgeous, happy, slim and healthy.

It’s sketchy Sunday boys and girls. Was last night the most fun EVER?…yes,yes it was…

XRS 700, in green. I fucking love it.

Irish Pub.

Don is life.

Our AirBnb is just to the right.

I love to eat the things I love.
Today we had rabbit.

The elevator opens right into our living room. Rich people stuff.

It’s go time.


I have a billion I’m between photos…I am at Barcelona airport….

Why is this plane so long, it’s making me feel uneasy.

Machine is super safe for the week. I even brought the cover to keep the beast dust-free.

A quick Mexican shower in the filthy airport bathroom.
I had to change out of my bike gear in the parkade…Soo fun.

Step 1. Could not sleep, obviously.
Woke up 3 hours before my Alexa chime and started the adventure at 7am.
Smooth as silk, bike is perfect even in extreme heat, average speed a perfectly legal 133kph. Consumed some fabulous food along the way from a filet o fish to KFC to sushi. Briefly met up with Vlad then swiftly cruised over to the old terminal. It’s busy and muggy and very exciting..

Tiffany is a breeding monster.
She has more kids than a single girl from Langford who works at the Shell station and lives in a basement suite.

My second waving cat.

Chicken place has Glarus on tap…boooboorieeboom!!

Resting week is almost over – holidays start tomorrow. May god have mercy on my soul.