Ina from Odessa. You want to meet her. You really do.

holiday everyday
Full day in Ravda, washed bike, organized van, organized a bunch of electrical crap + shopping at LIDL and 100 other things. I will sleep before midnight.
BBQ tomorrow…..I am praying for 15 minutes of rain now.
Binance is an unregulated centralized website where gambling morons put real money into a ponzi scheme and super smart and tech savvy awesome manipulators remove said money and laugh (imagine a fake/made up bank)……PERFECTLY LEGALLY – IT’S A TRULY REMARKABLE AND COMPLETELY LEGAL SCAM….
But why why why…is the sticker on the side of an old Merc wagon?
*in case you’re wondering, I do have an account (and put a tiny bit of money into it)….the grift fascinated me to no end. Sadly, it’s predictable and boring now and the only thing I learned is just how fucking witless/gullible/greedy people continue to be….
I also lost 60 bucks worth of cash….60 beers…fucking cunts…
We went to the chicken place, ordered a bird and ate it with our hands…like our forefathers and the forefathers before them. So much fun today. The weather is spectacular.