It went down to a freezing 24 degrees today.

holiday everyday
They won’t be winning the coveted “George Clooney” award but they tasted FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AIR FRYER FTW!!
Check and mate.
..once every 3 months is the greatest thing since The Concorde.
What is funny is that if I kept it in the fryer for about 3 minutes less it would be even juicier. I still have one more test chunk for tomorrow.
but she’s being aloof….then started chewing one of the corners.
This is a bad sign.
Kris is pouring wine #3 into an orange juice bottle – this is normal.
This isn’t Sunny Beach, after all.
Epic trip, just epic.
This is probably the funnest trip, literally ever.
And it’s not just the thick jammy wine talking…
There is no photo. Impossible to visualize….
I use them on my bike to keep the panniers safe and tight. I love these things.
I remain in heaven. I went a little crazy and put a sugar cube in my chai. It was a complete delight.